Jill Marie Denton
Award-Winning Chef, Author and Podcaster
Writing Tough Chicks in Contemporary Fiction

Clearing the Rail
The Story Behind The Success
"Clearing The Rail"
Changed My Life
Not that long ago, I was an almost 300-lb overworked, overstressed, hopeless and achy chef. I barely functioned and walking more than a few steps caused back, knee and foot pain. I'd given up on creating new excuses for myself and yet insisted I was fine to anyone who asked. Was I? Absolutely not, but pride and shame mingled into a maelstrom of mayhem, one from which I figured I'd never escape.
But take a look at this...

Above: Me in 2015, at a fundraiser in Philly
At Right: Me as of Jan 2022, working in my home kitchen

It took years, hunger pangs, denial of my cravings, miles of sweating and some grit, but I did it. I turned the ship around. Somehow this food-addicted chef managed to become what she'd always intended to be. And I want, wholeheartedly, for you to join me on this journey.
Clearing The Rail, the podcast, is a place of comfort, of acknowledgment, of honesty and of perspective. Every Sunday, a new episode full of tips, truth, and trauma drops for you. They're 15-25 minutes long, perfect for in-car or background listening.
The last Sunday of the month is recipe time. Some are healthier than others, but all will get you on the right track, the one that involves using your kitchen to its fullest potential. Only through taking control back can you become what you're meant to be.
Clearing The Rail, the book detailing my journey, is out and ready for you. Inside, you'll find (occasionally unbelievable) tales of kitchen work, real-life confessions of a food addict, a schematic to slowly and methodically begin the process of positive change, and a meal plan for both Whole30 and non-Whole30 weeks. Recipes, all of which have been independently tested, are also included. I want to make this easy for you!
Tune in to the podcast by touching the button above, or buy your copy of CTR on Amazon by choosing that button. We're Kindle and KU, plus paperback. Submit podcast ideas or suggestions to clearingtherail@gmail.com and make sure to share!
I love you all, you absolute legends! <3 Jill Marie
Delivery Dinners of DE, under the Chef Jill Does That umbrella, has been creating custom menus, offering personalized catering, and delivery services since 2009. We are proudly Better Business Bureau accredited, fully licensed, and insured providers of quality nutrition to our friends and neighbors in and around Delaware.
Click the button to the left to see our website and get in touch!